buttercup marketplace

Saturday, August 20, 2011

so i went to the dump today...

thrilling, i know. but i was smiling from ear to ear!!

it's very cathartic- going to the dump and throwing stuff that use to be important away in to a great big metal contraption.
but for me it's also part of my plan of starting over. for the past, well too many years (more than i'd like to admit) i've had a business. it's had many different names, been different versions but it made me very happy. it actually saved me at one point too - after my parents passed away. it kept me busy and focused.
but late last year- that all changed. a door here and there closed. it almost felt like my parents had died all over again. alright that's a bit dramatic i suppose - but it was very hard.
but i've cried my tears and now as i wipe my eyes, hmm.. there is that open window as they say and on the other side is buttercup marketplace and my new beginning. so off to the dumpster i go. :)

i'm buttercup (butterlump to some of my husbands friends :/) aka karen.
i hope you'll join me in my new endeavor.
i'll be writing about anything and everything - from my new shop on etsy - buttercup marketplace, my family- hubby and puppies and anything else that enters my brain -  from cooking, fashion to who knows what.

thanks for stopping by.


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